Leave your insurance claim in our capable hands. With over 50 years of auto body repair experience, we ensure your claim process is as smooth and easy as possible. Start with your insurance company estimates, or we’ll provide your insurance company with all of the information they need to process your claim quickly and fairly. We work for you, not the insurance company, so you can leave your claim and repair with our experienced technicians.
insurance law
As a consumer in Minnesota, the law clearly states that you have the right to have your vehicle repaired at the shop of your choice. Insurance companies cannot tell you where you must have your vehicle repaired. In fact, such action is considered "steering" and constitutes restraint of trade and is illegal.

Insurance Tips
When you know who is repairing your vehicle, inform your insurance company immediately. Once your insurance company knows who is performing the repairs, they will work with the technicians to get the process completed.
Facts you should know
We work for you, not the insurance company. No law requires you to get more than one estimate. You are not obligated to use any particular shop to obtain repairs. You choose the shop and authorize the repairs.
Insurance Appraisals
You do not have to accept the Insurance Company's appraisal of damage. Check the "Appraisal Clause" in your policy on how to resolve any differences.
Cost of Repairs
You are responsible for the cost of repairs. Financial arrangements must be completed before the car can be released.
Fair Price
There is a big difference between shops. Any shop can give a lower price by leaving something out or overlooking parts. Our people are "Craftsmen" and will do a good job of restoring your car at a fair price.

Already have an insurance estimate?
If you already have an insurance estimate, we’ll work with the estimate to get your vehicle repaired. If we discover that your vehicle requires additional parts and/or repairs, we’ll work with your insurance company to complete your repairs. Get started by contacting us today.